Friday, October 23, 2009

The Furry Little Domestic Creature

Wat is it? It's furry, gross, lazy,small, fat (only applicable in some), with tail, annoying when you smell like food and...erm..what else can I say to help you exclude the doggies. Aah! nevermind, I just gave it out.

CATS. Even though I hate them, somehow i find it worth mentioning here for a bit. So despite all the turn-off criterias, this one is quite an interesting one. And it all started with the stormy and heavy rain a couple of days before, totally mad and crazy, and whenever this kind of furious rain comes visit, most rain water will splash into the corridor and end up pooling in front of my doorstep, so this time, nothing was exceptional, everyone had to take a big step crossing the pool of water in front of my doorstep whenever they passed through. And one time, when I was about to enter my room, a cat (which I instinctively decide to hate everytime I look at it) was standing in front of the flood, kinda stared at the water as if there was something going on in its mind, and while I thought it was going to step rite on the flood after all to get across it, it kinda skipped to the divider of the corridor at the side and brilliantly avoided the water. So I was like, OMG! They do care! LOL! Pretty amusing though, it's surely one of their behaviours I've never bothered to discover aside from those like meow-ing ceaselessly in front of your door, crawling into your room when you carelessly leave your door open only for a second, making those irritating noises during their fore-play and diving into the trashbin and tearing whatever available into pieces trashing the floor with domestic waste and etc...

And somehow people can still find them adorable and with all the love in the world, hug them into their arms and play with them, and mind you, those happen to be medical students as well, totally gross!!!

For a catch-up,things I'm up to recently are guitar which I already kinda manage to play a couple of tabs, other than that, they're basically studies and exams. So everyone, HAppy the-inevitable-StuDy WeEk!!

Btw, here's the picture of the dress I mentioned during a few posts before and my awesome buddy and us in our Junior Welcoming Party (which so not make sense on the name its own).


Gine said...

Dear you look totally gorgeous in that dress =) And wow, you've managed to play a few tabs for guitar! That's good to know. next time I must make you to teach me, over some fried yin yong, maybe? Hee hee

Alison.Monday said...

thks *blush hehe!n absolutely!but u gotta be prepared for the finger tips paraesthesia lolx^^

Anonymous said...

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